Friday, October 9, 2015

Present Indefinite Tense

Present Indefinite Tense is often called Simple Present Tense indicates the work or event of present time. It usually expresses something which usually happens. Let's see what are the uses of present indefinite tense:

The Structure of Present Indefinite Tense is:


Note: In case of 3rd person singular number, the verb will take an extra s/es at the end.

For example:

    • He goes to school regularly.
  • For expressing a regular or usual thing or event. For example:
    •  He goes to school regularly.
    • If water is heated, it turns into vapor.
  • To mean a frequent thing. For example:
    • I go to New York twice a week.
  • To mean a Speech or quote of any famous person: For example: 
    • M. Wren says, "Ability is poor man's wealth".
  • To mean a universal truth. For example:
    • The earth moves around the sun.
    • The sun rises in the east.
  • To express a schedule of a transport or a program or a sport event. For example:
    • The train leaves at 8 O'clock in the morning.
  • To show direction, instruction or demonstration. For example:
    • Wait until I come back.
    • Let us go for a walk.
Fore more practice Click Here.

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